Effective veganism: how do you reach people? Which opportunities lie ahead of us? And what obstacles are in the way? Jake Conroy (US) and Elliot Lyons will share some insights on these topics Saturday July 30th in Utrecht, hosted by Sandra of Just Like Your Mom. Both lectures will be held in English. Order your tickets online! Members of the NVV (Dutch Vegan Society) will receive a 20% discount.
Jake Conroy
Jake Conroy will visit the Netherlands briefly during his European tour to give his lecture ‘Purity Policits: How animal liberation is keeping us from animal liberation’, in which he explains what keeps us from liberating animals and why other movements are potential allies who, just like vegans, share the same idea about collective liberation. How do we change the hearts and minds of people?
Jake has been an activist for over 20 years and has been involved with several successful organisations and campaigns. Thanks to Jake and many other people, Seattle now is one of the most animal friendly cities in the US. He speaks often at universities and events world wide. Jake also works on projects he co-founded such as Bite Back Magazine and the blog Plant Based on a Budget.
Elliot Lyons
Elliot Lyons will explain how misconceptions regarding race originate within mainstream veganism and how veganism suffers by being less approachable for the black community. Based on experiences from his youth in the United States he will share his story about the mechanics behind racism like suppression and privileges. He will conclude his talk with how we can change that. How can veganism be approachable to everyone?
Elliot is a philosopher, theologian and freelance copywriter and lives in Utrecht for over 8 years now. As a copywriter he writes about international development. He was a vegetarian for 9 years when he decided to become a vegan. Since then he writes a column for VEGAN Magazine. In the spring edition of this years VEGAN Magazine you can read Elliot’s article (Dutch) which is the basis of his lecture.
Practical information
The event will take place on Saturday July 30th at the Kargadoor in Utrecht and starts at 13:00 (1 pm) in the afternoon. Tickets can be ordered at our webshop and cost € 12,50 each for both lectures. Members of the NVV will get a 20% discount and pay € 10,00. Are you not a member yet? If you become a member, you can order your ticket with discount directly.
To give you a small taste of what you can expect, this is Jake’s lecture ‘From Activist to Terrorist’: